Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is it just me?

Seems lately that every time I turn around, I find a super hot guy.

A month ago I asked building management to install a fire alarm strobe light in my office (because we didn’t have one and we missed the last two fire drills). Yesterday this incredibly sexy man comes to my office to do the work. My office has this supervisor window, so I can see the entire office from my desk (I remind you that there are only two of us in this office and I supervise no-one). The guy is up on his ladder RIGHT outside my window A-L-L day. And he is OH-MY-GOD hot.

Today, ANOTHER hot guy shows up to work on my AC. Are you kidding me? This one is even better looking than the one yesterday. Where do these men come from and where can I get one?

And you’ve heard about my neighbors, yes? No? Well let me tell you…they are Greek gods. These 20-something brothers are about 6-foot, 4-inches tall with 6-pack abs, blond hair and blue eyes. They like to mow the grass with their shirts off. As a matter of fact--I like them to mow the lawn with their shirts off, too. I call them the “hot neighbors”. They probably call me the “creepy neighbor.” I’m damn-near old enough to be these boys’ mother.

I was reading a book with my daughter a couple nights ago about the importance of taking care of your skin (keep it clean, wear sunscreen, use lotion, blah blah blah). We got to the part in the book where they talk about why people’s hair color is different and why older people have gray hair. My daughter says to me, “Well, you’re old and your hair isn’t gray.” It was late and I was tired so despite the three thousand rebuttals that flooded my brain, I opted to leave that one alone.


Unknown said...

Are you sure you aren't working on a porno set by accident? If not, can I come over??

5elementknitr said...

Your neighbors are sooooo hot! Next time they mow, call and I'll come over and be creepy with you!

Anonymous said...

What saddens me is once upon a time I was at least the same age as these hot guys ... now they are young young young (but so hot)!!

I got told I have silver hair. Guess that's better than grey.

Maybe you can break the AC every once in a while, just to get some eye candy....

Olga said...

Yeah, me too.