Friday, May 16, 2008

O is for OH. MY. GOODNESS.

How many times have you read or been told that if you peel a banana from the bottom, you won't get those strings? Well, you know what? I call bullshit! I eat a banana every day and this week, I went against my gut instinct and made a special point of peeling my bananas from the bottom. Guess what...STRINGS!

You know what I heard on the news this morning? "We all know that carrying around a few extra pounds is bad for our health, but a recent study shows that being obese can also contribute to global warming." The local CBS affiliate went on to report that more fuel is needed to transport people who are overweight, people who are overweight eat more, and people who are overweight walk less. And that all three of these factors are contributing to global warming. My coffee almost came out of my nose. Are you shittin' me? I think someone just crossed a line.

I'm all for doing my part to reduce global warming. I reduce, reuse, AND I recycle. Know what I did on Mother's Day? I mounted baskets on my and my daughter's bicycles so we have something in which to carry our goods when we pedal to the farmers market. I use cloth rags instead of paper towels. I wear my jeans two, three, sometimes even FOUR days before I wash them AND I wash all my laundry in cold water. I even rinse out my cardboard ice cream containers and put them in the recycle bin with my cereal boxes and newspapers.

So, Mr. CBS Affiliate, don't you DARE give me crap about my few extra pounds. Enough is enough!

(I should have saved this for "R is for Rampage!")


Anonymous said...

O Good Grief! Things are getting a little Out Of hand, no?! Outlandishly ridiculous, I say.

5elementknitr said...

Americans are all about extremes. Obese or anorexic - global warming or not. It seems like the news media's job has gone from reporting to try and scare/shame/bother the bejeevus out of us.

Good Yarns said...

I think it's the media who brings on the global warming...they sure make people's blood boil! (And think of the lights they use, and they sure travel a lot!)

Unknown said...

I think there are a lot more changes people can make that will have a bigger impact on the environment. (not on their health but, you know...) So why don't we worry more about those things?

5elementknitr said...

tag, you're it! Come by my blog and see...

Olga said...

wow. and to think they report this crap and try to tell us it's 'news' instead of pure crapola. geeze- no wonder americans are the laughing stock of the world.