Thursday, October 18, 2007

To Work or Not To Work

They were playing some silly game on the radio the other morning. The question was something about how many people said they spend more than 92% of their work day actually working. One lady answered 85% and the other lady answered 60%. The host says, “Are you sure you understand the question? How many people think they spend almost 100% of their day doing work-related work?” Both contestants stuck with their answers. They were both wrong. The answer was TWO percent.

I work a standard 40-hour work week (8 to 5 M-F). On a normal work day, I wake at 5:30, shower, then go down stairs and pack lunches, put dinner in the crock pot, clean the kitchen, and/or whatever else I can get done in 15 minutes. I drink a cup of coffee while I watch the weather and then go back upstairs to wake my daughter at 6:15. She crawls into bed with daddy and watches cartoons while I get dressed and made-up. We turn off the TV at 6:45, she potties, gets dressed, brushes teeth and hair while I make beds. God willing, we’re out the door by 7:15. I’m usually home by 6, but then I have to cook dinner, clean kitchen, supervise homework, bathe the child, and it’s bedtime. I’m lucky if I get my daughter to bed by 9.

So, yeah, I dink around at work. I’ve been here for 2 hours today and have checked my email, placed three online orders, called my recycling company to straighten out an invoice error, and I glued my shoes back together. (One shoe is in under my desk with binder clips holding it together until it dries.) Meanwhile, I’m typing my blog entry for the day.

Now, let me ask you this? Am I cheating the company I work for?


Olga said...

I think because people have to spend the best part of the day at 'work' you cannot begruge them a few personal things during the day-makes a happier employee.

5elementknitr said...

I know a bit about the company and the person you work with/for and how they treat you.

Dink away!