Monday, December 10, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

Well, I was going to talk about my symptoms of early menopause, but Ruth tagged me. I’ve never been tagged before. The rules (posted below) say I have to share 7 random and/or weird things about me. I am finding it embarrassingly difficult to come up with 7 random and/or weird things. I might need to enlist your help! Or, maybe I can list that as a weird thing—I’m so normal, that I’m weird! Anyway, here I go…

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Weird Things 'bout ME...

1. I hate to have my hands wet…freaks me out! The only thing worse than having my hands wet, is touching someone else’s wet hands. My daughter isn’t allowed to touch me after she gets out of the pool or bath tub until all the wrinkles go away.

2. I really, seriously LOVE fruitcake. (Okay, that’s enough. Take her away!)

3. I love to have my toes pulled and my nails (finger and toe) squeezed.

4. I cry when I’m really happy or excited. My husband and I went on a scenic 45-minute train ride a couple years ago. I got so excited when they blew the whistle that I burst into tears. I cried at the rodeo one year. I’ve been known to cry during SuperBowl highlights. Hell, I even cry when I hear really good songs on the radio.

5. Logic was my favorite college course. I loved logic. It was the only course that I got an ‘A’ in.

6. I love to garden, but rarely eat anything that I grow.

7. I believe using the bathroom is the most inconvenient chore EVER. Because of this, I hold my pee until my eyes water.

OH thank God I’m done! Whew! Now the next part of this getting tagged business requires that I “tag” 7 random people. I don’t know 7 people who blog, so I am REALLY gonna get random. I closed my eyes, spun the globe, and here is who I picked…

Princess Trish, Kati, Sue, Alexandra, Janey, Carol, and last, but not least…Rachel

You're not crazy, ladies. None of you know me. But you can be sure I'm going to be checking in on you periodically to see if you've played the game!



Janey said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! And thanks for the tag! I will certainly play along later in the week!

Sue said...

Well, I see you've tagged me and visited me, but unfortunately, I was tagged a couple months ago, and ran out of folks to tag then! one wants to read my list again, LOL! So here's a return visit, and thanks anyway.

Carol said...

Hey thanks for visiting my blog I played this game a while ago and like Sue I doubt anyone wants to see my list again but if you want to take a look you can find it here

Kati said...

Hi Rachel!!!! Thanks for the tag. I've posted my answers.

Nice to meet you!!!!

5elementknitr said...

OK, I think it's hysterical you've listed all your oddities and illogicals (love making up words!) and your favorite class was logic!