Thursday, February 7, 2008

Moms...We Rock!

My life seems a blur the last week or two. I was reflecting on my accomplishments this morning and thought, "I should, at the very least, get a high five for pulling this off...this "mom" thing." Not that I have done anything above and beyond any other mom, but just think about what we do... It's incredible what we accomplish.

As much crap as my husband gives me about misplacing my sunglasses or my car keys (or both, as the case may be), I remembered to buy Valentines and ensured that my daughter had them in her back pack. I remembered that she had a special homework assignment that was due and I reminded her about her appointment with the school's occupational therapist (handwriting issues). I remembered to fill her water bottle and pack a peanut-free snack (one of the kids in her class is alergic). I remembered to write one check to the PTO, one to the lunch lady, and one for daycare. I remembered that it was PE day, so if my daughter wears snow boots, she needs to also take tennis shoes. I remembered that we have GirlScouts tonight and that prizes will be given to the girls who can recite the pledge and the promise.

I keep the cupboards stocked with everyone's favorite foods, and cook dinner at least 5 nights a week. There's plenty of soap, shampoo and toilet paper. The cat is fed, the laundry is done, toilets are clean, and the recycling makes it to the curb every other Tuesday.

On top of all of this (and more), I work 40 hours a week outside of my home. So, to all you moms out there, "HIGH FIVE, SISTER---WE ROCK!!!!"


5elementknitr said...

We do rock!

Anonymous said...

Yup, we do. And as no one else is going to tell us that we better tell each other!
High five back atchya.