Thursday, September 18, 2008

6 Random things

Ruth tagged me with the "6 Random Things" meme.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Alright, here we go...

1. I prefer to drink lukewarm water (as opposed to cold). If I'm at a restaurant, I order water without ice. At the water cooler, I top off every refill with a splash of scalding hot water.

2. I've had the same cell phone for two years and I still don't know the number.

3. My sneezes come out like machine gun fire. The most I've ever sneezed in one "fit" is 13, but my average 5-7.

4. I LOVE to mix up my food. I stir my corn into my mashed potatoes, then dip my pork chops into it. I crumble pastries and add them to my cereal. I mix potato salad with baked beans and spoon it onto my hamburgers. I rip up grilled cheese sandwiches and float them in my tomato soup. I even line my peanut butter sandwiches with potato chips. In fact, I had a fajita salad for lunch to day. First thing I did was dump the black beans on top, then added a couple heaping spoonfuls of salsa and a dollop of sour cream. Then I stirred it all up. I LOVE to mix up my food!

5. I don't wear antiperspirant. I think there is too much unknown about what that stuff does to a person. And besides, it's just not natural to stop your body from sweating. However, for the sake of those around me (including myself!), I DO wear deodorant.

6. I can't stand to have my hands wet. I HATE to have my hands wet. I can't stay in the swimming pool for more than 15 minutes before I start to panic.

Now, the rules say that I'm supposed to "tag" six people, but I'm going to skip that part. However, if you choose to play along, let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm a bit of a food mixer myself ....

might do this one next week, I'll let you know.

Unknown said...

You probably already read this but I HATE when my food mixes. So funny!!!

Olga said...

hmm, I read somewhere you aren't suppose to drink coldwater, that warm or hot is better for you. And I try to use those mineral stones for my underarms, doesn't work too good in summer but in the winter its ok. Plus- I don't move enough to work up a sweat!!!