Wednesday, July 2, 2008


It's been a long time since I've posted because I really don't have anything to talk about. Same shit, different day. But then today, on the way to work I heard a news story that threw me over the edge. I have to express my disgust...

The "news" was that a syndicated radio talk show host's contract was renewed for $400 million dollars. FOUR. HUNDRED. MILLION. DOLLARS. I immediately turned to my husband (we car pool now) and asked, "What the hell is WRONG with us?" FOUR? HUNDRED? MILLION? DOLLARS?

What kind of society is willing to pay a pompous jackass $400 million dollars to flap his trap and piss people off when there are millions in our country going hungry? We have citizens that can't afford to pay for life-saving medications and thousands of schools that are literally falling down while student share outdated text books. Our military personnel are fighting a war while their spouses stand in line for food stamps. And this son-of-a-bitch is making $400 million dollars. NO ONE, I don't care who you are, NO one needs $400 million dollars. Not even over an entire lifetime.

And this is only one example. Don't even get me started on the "stars" (sports, movie, or otherwise).

It makes me sad.


sophanne said...

Just like I just wrote on Ruth's blog- Amen to you too.

Anonymous said...

Messed up world we live in. I can't get someone to pay me $4 for all my talking.

Olga said...

I know exactly that outrage. Where does all that money come from? I hear these dollar amounts and I wonder where is all this money, is it pretend money? I just don't understand how this country can go on rewarding the frivolous and stinting on the important.

5elementknitr said...

Here, here!