Friday, January 18, 2008


Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony,
please come around.
Something's lost
and can't be found!

I lost my daughter's Girl Scout cookie order form. Poof! Vanished. Here I've been freaking out for weeks about having to collect orders for 100 boxes of cookies. We go out ONCE and collect orders for 50 boxes. Who knew my neighborhood was a Girl Scout cookie order gold mine? I collect the orders, then I loose the form. I lost the flippin' form!!!

My husband is unable to pass up an opportunity to kick me when I'm down. As I'm tossing the house for the sixth or seventh time mumbling, "Where the hell IS it?" He says, "You know...if you'd just put things where they belong..."

I was actually pretty proud at my lightening-fast comeback. "You know what? You are absolutely right. In fact, as soon as I find this form, I'm going put YOU in charge of Girl Scout cookies."

I even went to the public library last night to ask if we dropped the form in the book return. I called the last person who ordered to ask if we left the form at her house. I spoke to the Cookie Mom to ask if someone had contacted her about it (since her contact information is on the form). Nothing. I reckon the cat ate it.

Don't you know that as soon as I finish explaining to my neighbors that I lost the form, I'll find it

Meanwhile, if you see Saint Anthony (the patron saint of lost articles), tell him I need some help.


Anonymous said...

It will show up. Ask me how I know (this morning it was my son's swimming lesson booklet - after two days of searching it was right on my desk where I thought it was).
Although .... my diploma is still missing since the move 5 years ago. But I have faith it is here somewhere!

5elementknitr said...


Olga said...

Yo! jI gave you an award! come over and peek!