Friday, January 25, 2008

Work Stuff

During a conference call on Wednesday, I got word that we lost one of the two contracts I work on. It was a HUGE blow. I gasped out loud, felt faint, then thought I might vomit. I had to sit down. That million dollar contract was 40% of my job and now it’s gone. Gulp!

This wouldn’t be as devastating except that we’re currently writing the proposal for the other contract I work on. The contract that requires my company have an office in Colorado…yeah…that one. It’s out to bid this year, too.

I’m really…REALLY nervous. Regardless of how stellar an employee I might be, it doesn’t make sense for the company to keep me if we don’t have this contract. There are only two of us in Colorado and they have 200 in Arizona. The ONLY reason I'm here is because the contract requires it. I'm just a warm body.

My head hurts again and I think I’m going to throw up.

I know in my heart that no matter what happens, I’m going to land on my feet. If I loose my job, it’s because there is something better out there for me. It’s just that the unknown is scary to me. I need structure…and routine…I need an aspirin…and a drink...I need to update my resume! It is going to be weeks--maybe months before I find out what happens.

Hey, who knows…maybe I’m destined to home school Ruth’s kid! Ha Ha Ha


Anonymous said...

The main part of my income comes from a contract I have with one company. Every year and a bit there will be a change at the company that makes me worry. So I know exactly how you feel, I also hate the unknown. Hang in there, and keep the resume close at hand so you can move if and when you have to.

5elementknitr said...

You can teach my kid any day!

Olga said...

Scary. But it's not the end of the world, you will go on. Whats that old chestnut one door closing another opening... you'll be ok.