Thursday, January 10, 2008

Whadid I do?

Hunker down, folks…it’s going to be a very L-O-N-G year.

I got an email yesterday about Barrak Obama. The email warned me that Obama is a closet Muslim and that if he gets elected president, the terrorists will have control of the United States. The email says that the claims contained within had been confirmed by Snoops and it invites me to confirm the story myself.

So I did.

Turns out, the email is false (of course). It says the facts have been “…distorted and exaggerated…” I found the Snoops article fascinating on several levels.

I have to pause here and throw out my disclaimer. I am a registered Republican because my parents are Republican’s. Period. I don’t even know the difference between Republican’s and Democrats and I don’t care. I don’t think it matters (feel free to comment on this--correct me if I’m wrong). Whenever I vote, be it for the mayor, the sheriff, the council member, senator, or president, I vote for the candidate that I believe is best for the job, regardless of his or her party affiliation.

I am frustrated that our “system” makes it so hard for people to make informed decisions. The candidates are all full of shit. They all are telling us what they think we want to hear…what they think will win them the most votes. And then to be sure they get enough votes, they lie, distort, and exaggerate what the other guy did, does, said, says, believes, blah blah blah. The fanatic supporters even go as far as to try and scare me into believing that by voting for a Muslim candidate, I will give the terrorists control of my country.

Okay. Back to the email about Obama (who, by the way, is not Muslim)…after I read the Snoops article, I did a “reply to all” and said, it’s a lie, here’s the Snoops link.

I started war. This lady fires back (to “all”, of course) and says (among other things), that she is a college graduate and tells me that I insulted her intelligence. She says, “If Obama had a chance at my vote, your email reply just killed it.”

WTF? What did I do? What did I say? I appreciate that you haven't seen the actual emails, so I'll forward them to you if you want. I honestly don't understand how my email could have been more offensive than the first. All I did was say that Snoops reports that the claims made in the email are false and I included the link to the Snoops website.

Maybe I should move to Canada for the year or better yet, find some remote island in the South Pacific to take refuge. Until then, I reckon I best keep myself participating in political commentary (after this post, of course).


5elementknitr said...

OK, if some random stranger's (yours) email would keep her from voting for anyone, then she's a lemming and an idiot!

I agree about the BS candidates spew forth to get elected. I love the America book from the Daily Show and how they point out that presidents spent a year getting elected (or 2 years as is seems they're doing this time around), a year being president, then 3 years trying to get re-elected!

Send me the emails!

Olga said...

It seems no matter what you say concerning politics- your stepping on a live landmine. I so agree with you on the candidates sayin what ever they think you want to hear just to get elected. I know its all whacked, but I have no idea how to fix this broken runaway train.