Monday, January 28, 2008

Organic...Yea or Ney?

I read an article in the Denver Post back in July 2007 titled “Reasons you should buy regular goods” by Jackie Avner. What can I say? She’s got a good point. And I found numerous publications that support what she's saying.

I think the concept of keeping our foods free from chemicals is a good one. I don’t want to poison myself or my family by eating apples laced with some toxic bug killer. But I think this can best be accomplished if we buy local. I shop at the farmers market all summer and I LOVE pick-your-own farms! And if these local farmers are organic, that’s all the better. But I’m not going to spend 20% to 40% more for produce that’s been shipped in from all over the world just because it promises to be grown without chemicals.

I think the best option yet is to grow your own. I plan a garden every year, but last year my garden sucked (because I didn’t put forth enough effort). I’m ahead of the game this year. I got a book from the library that shows you how to compost in a plastic trash can (the big ones that you drag out to the curb every week for the truck). I’ve started browsing seed catalogs and am mapping out my plots. I’ll be starting some seedlings inside this year (we’ve tried this before and failed, but I’m learning).

So…what do you think? Do you buy organic foods? Do you grow your own? Do you think I’m an imbecile? Leme have it!


Anonymous said...

I have a huge vegetable garden and we love to grow our own veggies. I struggle with organic versus local as well -- I have been known to buy organic because in some instances it truly tastes better (bananas) and because sometimes it is on sale cheaper than the regular produce. We like the local markets in the summer.
I think this is a topic that will be explored more as people come to appreciate local food - we might not want to support the mega-grower but why not the local farmer who occasionally has to spray to keep the bugs off? Knowing where my food comes from is key to me. Besides produce what about meat?!
One thing I think is cool is CSA -community supported agriculture. You pay the farmer for a share in the food and get produce delivered all year long.
OK, I'll stop now. Thanks for posting your thoughts!

5elementknitr said...

I have been known to kill cactus. I've always wanted a big garden like my grandma's but I've got a black thumb. I keep trying though!

I think another point to be made about buying local is the cost of fuel to ship things from all over the world. Not just the monetary cost but the cost of lives that go along with our overuse of fuel. And I'm just as guilty - driving too much and such.

Farmer's markets rock!

Olga said...

I guess if I didn't have to drive clear across town to go to the farmers market, I would go more often, but where they have it there is no parking and it's so hard to get to. So, I usually just buy whats at the store and I can't afford the organic prices! I have to feed 6 people on a limited buget so I have to get the cheaper stuff. But in my heart, I wish I could afford and get to local stuff.