Thursday, January 17, 2008

Whole Foods

Ah yes…the grocery mecca for all that is organic. I’m not much of an organic person for a few reasons, none of which we’ll get into today. Remind me sometime and I’ll tell you why, but today, I speak of my experience at Whole Foods.

Overall my experience on Tuesday was very good. I was pleasantly surprised that, in general, the food there is not THAT much more expensive than what I buy at Safeway. What really surprised me was the amount of food they sell in bulk. And it’s SO CHEAP! They had a whole isle of different kinds grains (rice, bulgur, couscous, oats, and pastas), flours, sugars, honey, syrup, fresh-ground nut butters (peanut and almond), trial mixes, and dried fruits! I was in utter awe. It was beautiful. Like I said in the beginning, I’m not an “Organic” person, but I do consider myself “Green” and the idea of reducing packaging AND saving money has me all excited. I can’t wait to go back!

My co-worker (actually, she’s my boss, but she was my co-worker for 2 years before she became my boss and I prefer to think of her as a co-worker) has been put on a low sodium diet (this woman has more health issues than the boy in the bubble). Her restricted diet has encouraged me to re-think the amount of sodium I consume, as well. I am dumbfounded by the amount of sodium that is in our food. Consider this, her diet restricts her to 1500mg a day. Now go to your pantry and look at the labels on your pre-packaged food. One can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup has more than 1800 mg of sodium (890 mg per serving times two and a half servings per can). In fact, it’s so ridiculous, that the FDA is thinking about regulating it. This, again, is a story for another day.

Back to Whole Foods…they sell veggie chips. They are made with carrots, spinach, and potatoes and have half the fat of regular potato chips. Being the curious sole that I am, I bought some for my daughter.

Day one: Daughter LOVES the “rainbow” chips. Score one for Mom. Yeah, my kid eats spinach chips…and she likes them.

Day two: Daughter reports that “The green chips taste like cat litter.” I quickly poo-poo her metaphor with, “Oh yeah? Well, how do you know what cat litter tastes like?” She responds with, “Once…”

WHAT?!??! NO WAY! Sweet Jesus, please…I beg of you…In the name of everything that is good and holy--do NOT let this child tell me that she has tasted cat litter. Mother Mary, Dear God, NO! Tell me she didn’t…

Daughter continues, “Once, after Dad cleaned the litter box, I fell and a little bit got in my mouth.”

For the next 90 seconds we just stare at each other. She's smiling weakly. I'm expressionless.

I finally muster up the courage to continue with, “So…did you get to play outside today?”

Yeah…my kid eats cat litter…what of it?


Olga said...

(wipes eyes) Better get that kid to a specialist!!!!just kidden.
At LEAST it wasn't the turd!
My dog use to eat those and GADS! I would freak out on that beastie!

Anonymous said...

OK I have to admit, like the frau my first reaction was to laugh. I've had that conversation stopper happen with the seven year old before ..."Well actually...". I usually yell out "STOP I don't want to know!!" If he' still healthy it can't have hurt him too much.
And what is with kids and one day liking something (so you go buy it for them to eat) and then saying "eeww, no I can't stand those they taste like puke!"

I'm very interested to wait for your post on organics. I also am of mixed thoughts about it.

5elementknitr said...

At least she's not serving you tea from the toilet water again!