Tuesday, April 29, 2008

M is for Miscellaneous

This weekend, my husband and I dug up our front yard (we moved existing and added a few new sprinkler heads). I woke up Monday morning with every joint in my body screaming. He says, “Well, I’m not sore.” I replied, “apparently you didn’t work as hard as I did.” My knuckles hurt when I bend my fingers. My ankles hurt, my toes hurt (would you believe I stomped my own foot?), my elbows, my knees, my hips...even my ears hurt (Note: ears need sunscreen too)!

We also spent the weekend waging war on the squirrel(s) living in the walls of our house. If you wonder how I know its squirrels, I encourage you to read Attack Critters. (It's an amusing story.) Those little bastards have chewed a hole 3 inches high by 8 inches long in the side of my house. Do you know how much it costs to get a “Critter Control” company out? Five HUNDRED dollars. I give my husband a week. One week from today he’ll not only want to pay the $500, he’ll be ready to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for the extermination of those critters.

Saturday night, I let my daughter give me a French manicure. I took a couple pictures of it, but you couldn’t see anything in the pictures. Bless her heart, the little gal did the best she could, but I have to say that my cat could have done as good a job—only she wouldn’t have put as much love into it.

I screwed up last week when I said the sock class was “tomorrow” (wrong Tuesday). The class is “today”. I’m really very excited. Know what else I’m excited about? THIS I emailed the link to Ruth with the subject line, “I’ll drive”. Of course she’s going with me.
And no kids allowed!! (Well...my kids and Ruth's kids aren't allowed, but you could take yours if you wanted.)


sophanne said...

Take and Post LOTS OF PICS of your field trip. Just say N is for NNNNNNNice Alpacas!

5elementknitr said...

mmmmm, alpaca.....

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of critters in the walls. When I was a teenager we moved to a gorgeous old house at the beach, with a pond in the back yard. We discovered that first winter that the rats who live near the ponds move into the houses every winter. Ugh. My Dad still lives in that house, and there are still battles with rats every winter.

Thankfully squirrels are not a problem in my area - they stick to the forest mostly.

Alpacas .... you lucky thing! Also hope the sock class goes well!!

Olga said...

sooo, the snow is falling there. Just a hop skip and a jump to here. *sigh* Have fun at your critter fest while I rage against the storm.