Monday, March 10, 2008

Stretch and Grow!

I have quite a few house plants. They are mostly Heart-Leaf Philodendrons and spider plants (aka airplanes). Every couple years I roll up my sleeves and repot. Here's a picture of my Dracaena Massangeana Cane in the new pot, next to the old pot. Can you believe I made that poor plant suffer in that tiny pot? I'm lucky the thing is still alive!

And what about these spiders? It was so root bound that had to cut the dang thing out of the pot!

Maybe I should consider this repotting business more often!

My day of repotting plants has made me especially eager to get my garden started. I live in Colorado, so I get to put my peas and my spinach in next week (peas on St. Patty's Day). My Family Fun magazine had a great suggestion of using empty soda bottles (2 liter) as little greenhouses. I think I'll try my hand at starting my tomatoes that way.

Our growing season is so short, that I usually end up buying tomato plants. The problem with this is that you never really know what you're getting. Sure the tag says it's yellow, but those sweet angelic children have been re-arranging all the tags, so chances are, it's cherry...or beefsteak.

This year, I'm going to stick with it for as long as it takes to ensure that my garden is the best ever (last year my garden was NOT). No vacations planned until late in the season, so I should be in good shape. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll keep you posted on my progress.


5elementknitr said...

Yay! Pictures!

You were very helpful with my container garden last year (I almost said "pot garden" teehee). Unfortunately, I don't have your green thumb. We got 8 cherry tomatoes and 6 green beans.

We'll try again this year!

Olga said...

That is my big plan this summer, to actually have a garden. My husband kept saying we couldn't dig up the back yard because it makes the house look bad if we sell it. The way things are going, we'll never afford to move! So this is the year, by golly! We can't plant anything outside here till usually after Mothers's day because all danger of frost is past. So I'll go buy the stuff already started- the $1000 tomato!You know, to save money....

Anonymous said...

I should have put some peas in already, but it's been so darn wet here! This week-end hopefully.

I look forward to pictures of the garden!